ࡱ> y|xa bjbj͚ 4<I\I\,  8L(LrttT t42F~L9Z^)Zى6<r~b$~99~Mr~ > V: CORE JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title: Research Assistant in [subject] Grade: Research Assistant, Grade 6 School: [School] Location: [Location] Responsible to: Principal Investigator Direct reports: n/a Key contacts: Members of research group, members of faculty within the School and University. Role description: Research Assistant is a pre-Doctoral career-grade research position. Post-holders will be expected to contribute to the work of the research team, and also to develop their research skills with support from more experienced members of staff. ___ PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES Toobserve and assist with individual and/or collaborative research activity and contribute to the production of research outputs for publications. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Research, Scholarship & Enterprise With support from the Principal Investigator, develop research objectives and contribute to the planning of the research project Conduct research activity under supervision of the Principal Investigator, and in collaboration with others. Assist with the analysis and interpretation of research findings and contribute to discussions on conclusions and outcomes. Contribute to the writing of reports and other dissemination activities under the supervision of experienced researchers. Contribute to the preparation of research ethics and data management strategies, under guidance from the Principal Investigator to ensure compliance with ethical approval and data protection legislation. Present information on research progress and outcomes to relevant bodies under the supervision of the Principal Investigator. Plan own day-to-day research activity within the framework of the agreed programme. Learn about the publication process and contribute to research outputs for publication in monographs or recognised high-quality journals, or performance/exhibition, as appropriate. Continually update knowledge and understanding in field or specialism, and engage in professional development. Teaching & Student Support 2.1 Assist in the supervision of student projects and provide guidance to those assisting in the research. Contribution to School & University Attend and contribute to relevant School and project meetings. Undertake additional duties, as required by the Principal Investigator and/or Head of School. Role-specific duties 4.1 [For completion by recruiting manager] This Job Description sets out current duties of the post that may vary from time to time without changing the general character of the post or level of responsibility entailed. INDICATIVE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Under the supervision of the Principal Investigator, conduct experiments/research to assist with project aims, with emphasis on training. Undertake research by preparing, setting up, conducting and recording the outcomes. Manage and analyse data, and prepare written reports and summaries. Maintain and store project files and equipment as per health and safety and data regulations. As part of career development, contribute to the preparation of journal articles based on the research with support from the Principal Investigator. PERSON SPECIFICATION ESSENTIAL CRITERIA Normally educated to degree level, or other equivalent qualification, or relevant level of experience, as appropriate to the discipline (see role-specific criteria below). Good presentation skills, with the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with colleagues and external audiences. Ability to work independently (under supervision by the Principal Investigator), and as part of a team. Ability to exercise a degree of innovation and creative problem-solving. Excellent organisational and administrative skills. Ability to prioritise and meet deadlines. Excellent IT skills. Ability to follow guidance of team leaders. ESSENTIAL ROLE-SPECIFIC CRITERIA 1. [For recruiting manager to complete] DESIRABLE CRITERIA Experience of conducting research experiments.      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