Extra components

See non-standard items used on content pages to illustrate statistics and process steps.

Statistics icons

Use statistics sparingly and make sure they are current, accurate and relevant to the page content. If you can’t back up a stat, don’t use it.

If you’re not sure, contact us.

Key points

  • make sure the stat is correct and precise (for example, if it’s a joint first, use =)
  • put all the relevant info in the descriptor underneath the stat (for example, category, awarding body/source, year)
  • hyperlink the source.


The “Steps” component is used to outline a process a user needs to follow to achieve a goal – for example, applying for a course.

You need a good understanding of HTML code to correctly use this component.

  1. First step header

    Every step needs an h3 header and at least one line of body text that looks like this. Pressing enter while typing will add a step, so you'll need to edit the HTML if you want to add things such as lists or links.

    1. Testing ordered list
    2. Testing ordered list
    • Testing unordered list
    • Testing unordered list

    A link to another page.

  2. Second step header

    Every step needs at least one line of body text that looks like this. Within the code you can add sub headings.

    Heading h4

    A link to another page.

  3. Next step heading

    You should have at least three steps if you’re using this component. Otherwise it’s not really necessary.

    A link to another page.


Image accreditation notice

An example from Unsplash. Note: The image may require a different notice if from another source or licence conditions.

Image accreditation

  • photo of people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computer by  from