Global Partnership toolbox

Find out about our Global Partnership toolbox – designed to help staff explore and create successful international university-to-university partnerships.

How we support our staff 

International university partnerships provide a range of opportunities, including:

  • opening up new avenues for research
  • enhancing our cultural awareness
  • study abroad experiences and staff exchanges
  • new taught programmes combining partner’s strengths.

Developing successful relationships can often take time. They rely on our understanding of the culture and goals of each other’s institutions, and ensuring compatibility in terms of strategy, capacity, ethics and standards.

We help staff by:

  • defining proposals and conducting an appropriate level of due diligence
  • directing those looking to undertake specific activities to appropriate support
  • coordinating institutional level agreements
  • monitoring and reporting on our institutional international partnerships activities.

Our toolbox

Our toolbox includes:

  • Characterisation tool: defining your partnership
  • Initial approval tool: ensures potential partners are properly evaluated, and that advice from relevant University departments is sought regarding the viability of proposals
  • Agreement tool: common considerations, support and template agreements
  • Management and performance tools: relationship and risk management, and periodic review to ensuring effective collaboration for the longer term
  • Transnational Education (TNE).

If you're a Sussex partner, or are looking to partner with Sussex, and would like more information, contact us

If you're a member of Sussex staff, . 

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