
Sussex Researcher School

Interested in becoming a Sussex Humanities Lab Associate Research Student?

Does your research explore the digital in culture and society - or make use of digital methodologies and tools?

Sussex Humanities Lab logoSussex Humanities Lab (SHL)  is a research programme dedicated to developing and expanding research into how digital technologies are shaping our culture and society, as well as the way we go about our research.

The Lab works across all Schools at Sussex, and their core faculty are based in History, Art History and Philosophy; Media, Film and Music; Education and Social Work; and Informatics, and the SHL team are expainding their connections and disciplinary reach all of the time.

Sussex Humanities Lab would like to facilitate connections by inviting doctoral researchers whose research intersects with the digital to become an SHL Associate Research Student.

As an SHL Associate Research Student, the Sussex Humanities Lab will:

  • Send you regular updates about the research going on at Sussex in the Lab's areas of 'expanded' digital humanities
  • Add you to a dedicated mailing list that you can post to each other SHL Associate Research Students
  • List you on the SHL webpages with a link to your Sussex online researcher profile
  • Give you priority booking for SHL workshops
  • Make the Digital Humanities Lab regularly available to you on Thursday mornings. This is an opportunity to use the space as a place for meeting and connecting with others, a place to come and work, or experiment, or find out more about the Lab's technologies with research technicians on hand

To become an SHL Associate Research Student, please email shl@sussex.ac.uk with:

  • Your full name
  • Your School
  • Your preferred email address
  • A short paragraph about your research area, or a link to relevant webpage



Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk