

Healthcare Law Research Group

We do interdisciplinary research in health and science in society.

Our research

Our members are working on research relating to several different themes:

  • Obligation and responsibility in healthcare provision, including regulatory and criminal responsibility
  • Clinical research, genetics, innovative and future technologies in science and health
  • Beginning of life: assisted reproduction, access to reproductive technologies, surrogacy, pregnancy, infant feeding and mothering
  • End of life: death, dying, assisted dying, suicide, and end of life care
  • The health of vulnerable groups such as elderly, those with chronic illnesses, families and children.

Interested in doctoral study?

We would be delighted to receive applications from potential PhD students in any of the research areas highlighted above.

For information on how to apply see www.sussex.ac.uk/study/phd

Lead: email: K.J.Veitch@sussex.ac.uk