
Dr Lidia Cabral

Post:Fellow (Institute of Development Studies)
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Lídia Cabral is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). She is a social scientist with training in development economics, social policy and development studies. She has 18 years of experience in international development and her work has concentrated on the politics of aid and public policy, particularly in relation to agriculture and rural development in Africa. Her latest research looks at Brazil as an international development actor and its influence in shaping agricultural policy, technology and agrarian change in Africa. She has published with the peer-reviewed journals such as Development Policy Review, European Journal of Development ResearchIDS Bulletin, Globalization and Health, Global Policy Journal, Journal of Agrarian Change and World Development. She has also published extensively with the Overseas Development Institute, Future Agricultures Consortium and IDS.

Lídia teaches at Masters level on aid, the rising powers and South-South cooperation in agriculture. She is currently supervising two PhD students.