
School of Media, Arts and Humanities - for students and staff

Education budgets, requests and approvals

Education budget request process and criteria

The Education budget is overseen by the Associate Dean (Education) and operationalised by the Senior Education Manager.

Education portfolio's priorities from Autumn 2024 are to work on:

  • Curriculum innovation that will help recruit and retain Media, Arts and Humanities students, through actions that include
  • Embedding employability and entrepreneurship opportunities for all
  • Eddressing digital challenges and embedding digital opportunities for all

The following principles are designed to align essential spending from the Education portfolio budget with these priorities.

  1. The approved Education budget will be managed under three broad themes: 
  1. Academic Enrichment activities
  2. Funding for costs that advance the Faculty of MAH  Education Portfolio's strategic direction
  3. Support for Education & Scholarship projects that cannot be met by research, departmental, external or other internal funds
  1. Academic Enrichment activities. This refers to activities that are additional to and do not duplicate or replace teaching, but are very strongly related to curriculum in ways that enrich students' academic experience (theatre trips, external workshops etc). Where funding allows, this fund will be administered via an annual call with deadline in September to staff engaged in teaching (to enable activities to be planned so that benefit to students is maximised).
  2. Education Portfolio strategic direction costs. Where funding allows, small costs can be approved by the A.D. and the SEM to support costs incurred by colleagues engaging in activities that genuinely advance the strategic interests of the Education Portfolio. For example, travel to attend a government policy education meeting, travel to attend a networking conference on HE sector education strategy, costs to attend business meetings/seminars etc on employability, entrepreneurship and/or digital matters in HE Education. The A.D. and SEM will approve these. The test will be that the activity must be at least 50% relevant to the strategic interests of the Education Portfolio (i.e. not the research/scholarship interests of the individual making the request). Where the A.D. and/or SEM request support, this will be referred to the Exec Dean for approval.
  3. Education and Scholarship Projects. Where funding allows, support may be awarded to individual E&S teaching colleagues working on well-conceived scholarship projects that (a) are directed towards improving understanding and knowledge of teaching and learning in relevant MAH/HE areas, and (b) have a clear pathway towards dissemination that will benefit both them and the Faculty. Colleagues will be asked to state why these projects cannot be covered by research, departmental, external or other internal funds.
Education budget cut off dates

Deadline for applications: Monday 23 September 2024

Budget request form

Other budget request routes
  • Department budget
  • Innovation fund
  • Research budget