
Research and knowledge exchange

Research Consultations

See below for Sussex responses to research consultations.

REF Consultations

Sussex response to Research Excellence Framework 2028: Issues for Further Consultation Following Initial Decisions (November 2023) 

Sussex response to Research Excellence Framework 2028: Issues for Further Consultation Following Initial Decisions. Research Excellence Framework 2028: Issues for Further Consultation Following Initial Decisions [PDF 179.44KB]

Sussex response to HEFCE's consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework (March 2017)

Sussex response to the consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework. REF2021 Consultation Response [PDF 257.91KB]

In response to the consultation by the Higher Education Funding Council for Engalnd (HEFCE), December 2016.

Sussex Response to the Stern Review of the REF (March 2016)

Sussex Response to the Review. Stern Review Response from Sussex [DOCX 54.20KB]

In response to the for the Stern Review of the Research Excellence frameowrk (REF), March 2016.

Other Research Consultations

Sussex response to the consultation on the Office for Students (December 2017)

Sussex response to the consultation on the Office for Students. Sussex Response to the consultation on the Office for Students [PDF 84.14KB]

In response to the government , October-December 2017.

Sussex response to the industrial strategy framework (April 2017)

Sussex response to the consultation on the industrial strategy framework. Sussex Response to the Industrial Strategy Green Paper (pdf) [PDF 50.74KB]

In response to the government , January 2017.

Sussex Submission to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee on the Implications of Brexit (July 2016)

Sussex Submission to the Committee. Response to Brexit Consultation [DOCX 31.69KB]

In response to the for the Commons Science and Technology Committee Enquiry on Brexit, July 2016.

Sussex Response to the BIS Consultation on Innovate UK's Integration with Research UK (February 2016)

Sussex Response to the BIS Consultation. BIS Innovate UK Integration Sussex Response [DOCX 21.24KB]

In response to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Consultation on the Integration of Innovate UK with Research UK, February 2016.

Response to the research elements of the BIS Green Paper on Higher Education (November 2015)

Sussex Response to the Green Paper (Research elements). Response to Green Paper (Research elements) [DOCX 33.04KB]

In response to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills , November 2015.

Sussex Response to the Concordat on Open Research Data (September 2015)

Sussex Response to the Concordat on Research Data (September 2015). Concordat on Open Research Data - Sussex response Sept 2015 [DOCX 20.02KB]

British Academy Call for Evidence on Interdisciplinarity (June 2015)

Sussex Response to the British Academy Call for Evidence on Interdisciplinarity (June 2015). British Academy Call for Evidence Response (pdf) [PDF 85.04KB]

In response to the British Academy's Call for Evidence on Interdisciplinarity.

Comments on Draft UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research (May 2015)

Sussex Comments on the Draft UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research (May 2015). Comments on Draft UK Policy Framework on Health and Social Care Research [DOCX 40.88KB]

In response to the circulation of the draft by the Health Research Authority (HRA).

Response to Nurse Review of the Research Councils (April 2015)

Sussex Response to Nurse Review of the Research Councils (April 2015). Nurse Review - Sussex Response [DOCX 52.04KB]

In response to the BIS request for feedback.